Another emergency vet visit with Odin

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Another emergency vet visit with Odin

  • BasG

    We seem to have hit some sort of jackpot in 2014. It just never seems to end.

    I’m siting on the couch then Odin walks up to me from the hallway, starts to get a weird look on his face, freezes up, and just tumbles over on his side like a fainting goat. He’s having a seizure. An intense one, at that. (My parents Lab has epilepsy, so I know what it looks like) After a few seconds of being completely locked up and shaking, mouth open, eyes screwed shut he started “paddling” as the vet called it. He started chewing, drooling, peed on himself … basically the entire range of symptoms of a text book grand mal seizure. (Now that I have read up on it, in hind sight)

    Read this if you want to know more medical stuff.

    With this seizure being stronger than the ones I saw in my parents lab I wanted to check his air ways and he chomped down on my hand. Left a little mark, but didn’t break the skin thankfully. Worth it just to be sure, anyway. I was ordering @flamegurl around, and made her toss me the car keys. Quickly started the car and ran back inside to grab him. As I walked to the car, he was coming around, but was understandably very disoriented and terrified, and as I put him inside he bit my arm. Luckily with this winter lasting forever, I was wearing a very thick double layered winter hoodie, so he didn’t hurt me.

    Some minor and major traffic violations may or may not have occurred during the drive to the vet (thank god I had EVOC training) When we got to the emergency clinic, he’d already come out of it, and was getting back to normal. They had a quick look, took some blood just to give it a quick check, but this may be a one time deal. We can hope, right?

    All in all, this turned into quite the enervating evening. I’m going to recuperate from my adrenalin high.

    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by BasG.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    Wow, a traumatizing evening for the entire family!


    My wife has Epilepsy, so I feel your pain.  The best thing to do is just let them go through the seizure without touching them, other than rolling them on their sides so they can’t choke on their vomit (in the case of a human).

    Also, make sure there is nothing they can hit to hurt themselves on. I was told by her doctor to NEVER stick ANYTHING near her mouth as she could bite it off, or break it with her jaw.  She usually bites her tongue :-/


    My wife insist on never calling an ambulance as there is nothing they can do for her and she has been having them since she was little and knows that the best recovery for a seizure is time.


    Sorry y’all had a bad day, he should be back to himself soon… It usually takes my wife 24hrs to recover, but recovery for a strong seizure could be longer…

    A house full of four dogs... That's a lot of dog farts.

    instagram: fly_white_guy


    Aw poor guy..that’s scary….We’ve had a lot of emergency visits over the past yr with our pointer Carly..So I know how ya feel…I hope everyhtings ok??Did they run any other tests?


    Not probably the excitement you were looking for on a Saturday evening.  Sorry and I hope it was a one time thing.


    Wow, what a scary thing for everybody.  I hope he is feeling better today and that this was a one time occurrence.


    Yeah no kidding @nancy, not at all what we expected on our Saturday night.

    Odin seems fine right now. Last night he curled up on his bed in a corner and we didn’t hear a peep until we went to bed. This morning he’s  bit more clingy and sucky than usual, and a little bit calmer. But it doesn’t seem to have ruined his good mood.

    The vet loved him, of course.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    One thing we did notice is that Athena hangs around him more than usual, and keeps licking his face. If anyone seems “altered” by this whole ordeal, it’s her. For now I’m going to assume this is her being stressed and concerned after last night, rather than being one of those wunder-dogs that can empathically see a seizure coming.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    oh no! i am glad he is doing ok today. hopefully this was a one time thing.


    Yikes.  Hoping it’s a one time thing and glad he is better today!  Thanks for the information.

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    Poor Odin, hope for the best


    I admit that that was one of the scariest things I have ever seen. And I can’t remember smelling like dog pee that much before.

    I slept terrible. Every movement I woke up to see if he was ok. So far so good.

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama


    Ugh, how scary.  Poor guy.  Hope it’s a one time deal as well. 🙁

    -Steph & Jaeger


    I hope he is doing better, and this was a one time thing.


    Poor baby. How scary that must have been for all of you.

    "My windows aren't dirty...that's my dog's Nose Art."


    Poor, Odin! I hope for everyone’s sake that it was a one time deal.

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