Are You Going to Get That?

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Are You Going to Get That?

  • CliveClaire

    I found out today as I was driving down the road that Clive knows his Dad’s ringtone. Sometimes when the phone rings I’ll put it on speaker phone for him to talk to him, but I certainly never thought he was paying attention to the melody that plays when he calls. We were driving along today and Clive was sleeping in the back seat. Random music was playing off a playlist and the tune that is that ringtone started playing. All of a sudden Clive is wide awake and in the front seat like, are you going to get that? Dad’s calling. It took me a second to realize what happened and then I had to laugh at what a scary smart boy he is! : )


    Years and years ago I started playing a ring tone on my phone to bring my cats home for supper, and I had alarms set for it. It worked surprisingly well, and I did it for years. When we got Athena as a pup she picked up on it SO fast is was unbelievable. But she started getting obsessive over my phone, and fixating on breakfast and supper time up to the point where she became impossible to deal with, so I had to stop.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    So crazy!!! Waylon does the same thing with me when I call my momma an he’s with her haha

    Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one, is a life diminished.
    - Dean Knootz


    That’s amazing. I was learning behaviourism in undergrad and tried it out on my, then, old and sole cat for mealtime. Although that cat has since gone on, my others all learned from him and it still works, without any conditioning whatsoever!

    When Tyson’s tail was injured, we would call when one of us was at the end of the driveway to make sure he didn’t get so excited he hit his happy tail on something. Now, more than six months later, whenever he hears the phone ring and one of us isn’t home, he goes absolutely nuts. So much for good intentions…

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