So does anyone else have a Weim that eats oranges? Our other 3 dogs (not Weims) give them a sniff & it’s over. Indigo the Weim loves them. I’ve only every given him 2 slices concerned that oranges might give him tummy problems, but so far no issues.
I tried. Athena eats just about anything, if only to make sure Odin doesn’t get it. But yeah, she does the funny face. Spits it out, picks it up. Takes her several minutes to eat a slice and makes a big ol mess.
Amos loves oranges! Seamus wouldn’t eat it before we got Amos, but he must have thought he was missing out on something that Amos loves. Amos also loves veggies, my dad often asks if I’m sure we don’t have rabbits instead of dogs!
Oh so it’s not just ours? I used to have Labs, and while they are known as walking garbage pails, they would snort derisively at most veggies. The Weims though…. they go bananas for it. And for bananas. Is this a complicated sentence yet? Weimanamanamas eating bananananananas.
Levi goes nuts for any berries. Especially blueberries though. If I passed the “berry guy” at the Farmer’s Market, he would try to pull me back. Spoiled, much?