hello all

hello all

  • jmae

    I currently have 2 weims, Tula (4 years old) and Tempi (1 year old). We also have 1 yellow lab Sadie (4 years old). And we live in Indiana. Sadie was a rescue we were her 3rd home by the time she was 5 months old.  Tula we have had since she was 5 1/2 weeks old and Tempi we have had since she was born (Tula is her mother) we are not breeders and this was Tula’s one and only littler. We had friends who wanted to keep the bloodline of their male and we wanted to keep Tula’s bloodline. I keep in touch with all of Tempi’s brothers and sister by either Facebook or e-mail. Tempi was the runt of the litter, but was the first to figure out how to get out of the whelping box and climb the steps to find her self in our bedroom at night. Needless to say she picked us.  I couldn’t imagine life with out my 2 weim and lab they keep us busy. Here is a picture of my 3 girls (Tempi is young in the photo).


    Oh that precious baby weimaraner face! Brings back so many memories of Athena.

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama


    So adorable!

    "My windows aren't dirty...that's my dog's Nose Art."

    Luna and Jo Jo

    Very cute….. Sooo little


    It's a weim thing!!!


    I remember that last pic!  So cute!

    -Steph & Jaeger


    @ Sgrecco it is one of my favorites I use it as my picture for FB lol


    Must. Resist. Puppies!

    Forever Weimanamanama

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