no float for me!

no float for me!

  • greydogs

    when we first got lakshmi, 7 years ago, she had a paper eating habit. she would dpull whole stacks of paper out of the printer to eat it. lately she has regressed somewhat in her old age.

    i came home yesterday after less than 20 minutes. (and after the dogs had had their outing)

    i found a pile of shredded paper on the rug.
    i took a look, and was ready to throw it in the recycling.
    then i took another look. and saw pieces of brochures that i had piled in my training log book.
    and then.. a piece of brochure for the float place. and a teeny tiny piece of white paper with a blue line.
    my gift certificate!!! that i was now ready to use.
    eaten. gone into the belly of the beast!!!!

    i called the place but they could not find a record of the purchase. i will go by later this week.
    i was so mad!


    Oooooh Athena is a shredder too! Most of the time I make sure important papers are in a drawer. I sometimes forget….

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama


    The wife and I had this discussion several times. If it’s in visual range, it’s dispensable.

    Forever Weimanamanama


    Ahh yes, I dog proof my house EVERY morning.  Like BasG said, if its within eye shot, it’s dispensable. They never learn…lol

    -Steph & Jaeger


    i used to do that for years. and the last 3 years she has been great. no lists eaten off the table, etc.
    all of a sudden, she has regressed so paper goes away when i am away. i just forgot about the notebook on the table that day.

    in a way it is amusing to figure out what had been eaten.
    the piece of brochure and the tiny scrap were the evidence.

    the first regression was when she ate part of a notepad/calendar. 6 weeks were gone.

    Tina in Holland

    Wow, I feel so lucky! Amos nor Seamus have EVER gotten anything they shouldn’t have. They have always had free roam of the house. I wouldn’t leave meat on the counter, but there is always bread and veggies which they like and could reach easily….never.

    I will count my blessings tonight!

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