Yard Help

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Mya.

Yard Help

  • artsvarc

    We just listed our house on Friday.  EEek!  Is there anything realistically I can do about the big pee spots in the yard?  It seems that after the snow melt it is so much worse than it was in the fall.

    *Melissa- A Queen in a house full of boys.


    I’d suggest you rake all the dead grass and stuff out of the spots and loosen up the soil as best you can then use something like Scotts® Turf Builder® EZ Seed . You might get enough growing so it doesn’t look patchy.


    I was just going to say… Grass seed.


    and take the dogs out on leash to pee so the grass can grow back

    Weimanamanama Weimaranermama

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