wow, weimdawgs, you had a rough time there. i do remember all your losses piling up.
yes, the dogs save us.
merlin is sleeping upside down while some early fireworks are going off. so far so good.
we had some challenges with our dogs when they got old – with both lakshmi and vishnu they lost their hind legs. we had the best acupuncture vet come for home visits and that made all the difference.
lakshmi died because she tore her meniscus and acl when not making it over the ottoman on the way to the door for her walk. i say she leaped out of this life. she was eating cookies when she fell asleep
vishnu was semi-ok with his weak legs, but got a fever and turned out to have a huge tumor on his lung. we only noticed a difference once, 3 weeks before when we were at altitude. he did not show any signs of trouble breathing, and even barked at the mailman on his last day at home.