Around 6 months old is the hardest time. They test you on everything and suddenly seem to forget everything they once learned, but it does get better! It will help a lot to increase the exercise. off leash running or playing with other dogs will really help to wear her out. Mental stimulation is just as important and will also wear her out. I know you said you are doing puppy classes, but how often do you work on it at home? Multiple, short training sessions every day will be beyond helpful! A tired puppy is much easier to enjoy! Puppy hood can tough, but it is so worth it.
Thank you for this! I feel the same way about putting pesticides and chemicals on my dogs. I have been buying natural repellent spray, but I would much rather make this myself!
Perfect! That sounds like what I do. I add fish oil as well, but have seen people adding more supplements. The majority of what I have read makes it seem unnecessary, but I trust weim people the most 😉 Glad you found the info you needed for Lady! I’m sure she is going to love her new diet!
I don’t have any helpful advice for switching seniors over, but I would think you could go cold turkey like with younger dogs? Hopefully someone with a senior dog can chime in! If not, there are some raw feeding forums that could be helpful! What supplements do you have Jaeger on right now? I want to make sure I have all my bases covered 🙂
He is so darn cute! Has he ever played with a jolly ball?? like the kind that is the same shape as the ones for horses? He might like that too! They are big and hardy, but have a handle so you can throw it easier.
We do use heartguard plus monthly because we live in Florida, so the risk of heartworm is high. But like BasG I really prefer to put as little pesticides and unnatural things into their bodies as possible. I don’t keep them on year round flea and tick prevention for that reason. No need to expose them to pesticides if you don’t have to.
Yup, I agree on the bug bites. We did get a natural repellant spray to help try to prevent this. I do think it helps a little, but has to be reapplied a lot.